Working with the Service

The Caridea\Auth\Service class is your primary means of interacting with this library.

When constructed, the Caridea\Auth\Service needs to be provided a Caridea\Session\Session. It optionally accepts a Caridea\Event\Publisher and a Caridea\Auth\Adapter. It also implements Caridea\Event\PublisherAware and Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface.

$session = \Caridea\Session\NativeSession($_COOKIE);
$manager = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");
$adapter = new \Caridea\Auth\Adapter\MongoDb($manager, 'collection_foobar', 'username', 'password');
$service = new \Caridea\Auth\Service($session, null, $adapter);
$service->setLogger(new \Psr\Log\NullLogger());

The Principal

The currently authenticated user is represented by the Caridea\Auth\Principal class. It contains three methods of note.

  • getUsername – Gets the string username of the authenticated principal, or null if the principal is anonymous
  • getDetails – Gets an associative array of details about the authentication
  • isAnonymous – Returns true if the principal is anonymous, false otherwise

Service Methods

The Caridea\Auth\Service class contains only a few public methods.

  • getPrincipal – This returns the currently authenticated Caridea\Auth\Principal, which could be anonymous
  • login – Uses an adapter to authenticate a principal using details from the request; returns true if successful, throws exceptions otherwise
  • resume – Resumes an authenticated session; returns true if one existed, false otherwise
  • logout – Ends an authenticated session; returns true if one existed, false otherwise


The login method must be provided a PSR-7 RequestInterface that it uses to retrieve the credentials entered by the user. An optional second argument is the adapter to use, which is required if one was not specified when the service was constructed.

// Let's say $request is a \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface
if ($service->login($request)) {
    $principal = $service->getPrincipal();
    $username = $principal->getUsername();
    $details = $principal->getDetails());

This might output:

array(3) {
  'id' =>
  string(10) "1234567890"
  'ua' =>
  string(11) "Mozilla/5.0"
  'ip' =>
  string(11) ""

Once login is invoked, the authenticated principal is stored in the session and a message about the authentication is logged using the info level.


If a principal has been previously authenticated in the active session, the resume method will pick it back up.

if ($service->resume()) {
    $principal = $service->getPrincipal();

If an authentication is resumed successfully, a message about the resumption is logged using the info level.

Get the Principal

The first time the getPrincipal method is invoked, it will attempt to invoke the resume method if it hasn't already been called. If no authenticated principal is available, it will return an anonymous principal.


Invoking the logout method will destroy the active session and reset the principal to be anonymous.

if ($service->logout()) {
    // anonymous!

if an authentication is logged out successfully, a message about the logout is logged using the info level.