
If the user has supplied a Caridea\Event\Publisher, such as Caridea\Container\Objects, the Caridea\Auth\Service class broadcasts events during the lifecycle of an authentication.


When the login method is invoked, a Caridea\Auth\Event\Login event is published, with a source of the service.


When the resume method is invoked, a Caridea\Auth\Event\Resume event is published, with a source of the service. The event class has two methods of note:

  • getFirstActive – Returns the float time when the authentication first occurred, as returned by microtime(true).
  • getLastActive – Returns the float time of the most recent session resume, as returned by microtime(true).


When the logout method is invoked, a Caridea\Auth\Event\Logout event is published, with a source of the service.

Timeout Listener

The Caridea\Auth\TimeoutListener class is a Caridea\Event\Listener that can be registered with a Caridea\Event\Publisher. It listens for Caridea\Auth\Event\Resume notifications.

The TimeoutListener has two optional constructor parameters: The number of seconds until a session should be considered idle. If omitted, the default is 20 minutes. The number of seconds until a session should be considered expired. If omitted, the default is 24 hours.

$idle = 2400 // 40 minutes
$expired = 43200 // 12 hours
$listener = new \Caridea\Auth\TimeoutListener($idle, $expired);

When the listener is notified of a resume event, the following happens:

  • If the difference between the current time and the value returned by getLastActive is more than the idle time, the logout service method is invoked.
  • If the difference between the current time and the value returned by getFirstActive is more than the expiration time, the logout service method is invoked.